Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon – Golden Edition New places to explore, new lore to discover and the biggest contentdrop of the year! Helsinki, Finland – June 15th, 2022 – Independent developer Cornfox & Brothers today announced that their dungeon crawler Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon is being enhanced with a brand new update, aptly nam...[Read More]
The Oceanhorn story deepens with dungeon crawler couch co-op experience for thewhole family Helsinki, Finland — January 8th, 2021 — Developer Cornfox & Brothers announced today that the first new excursion deeper into the lore of the Oceanhorn Universe, Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon, is now available on Apple Arcade℠ for iPho...[Read More]
Cornfox & Bros. is proud to announce that Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon, a new chapter in the Oceanhorn Expanded Universe, will be available soon on Apple Arcade℠. Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon is our Dungeon Crawler take on all things Oceanhorn. This time, you and up to three friends can join forces on a single couch to explore the many fl...[Read More]