Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon – Golden Edition

Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon

Apple Arcade

Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon – Golden Edition

Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon – Golden Edition

New places to explore, new lore to discover and the biggest content
drop of the year!

Helsinki, Finland – June 15th, 2022 – Independent developer Cornfox & Brothers today announced that their dungeon crawler Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon is being enhanced with a brand new update, aptly named Golden Edition. The update adds the town of Nexus, rich with lore and activities to discover and NPCs to talk to, new levels, new Special Items and Power-Ups, new enemies from Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm, Mini-Bosses, the possibility to summon familiar characters, Legendary Weapons, and
much more.

Set in between the acclaimed Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm and Oceanhorn: Monsters of Uncharted Seas, Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon Golden Edition is a friendly action-packed dungeon crawler focusing on looting, exploration and arcade-like combat. Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon
Golden Edition
also supports local multiplayer for the whole family to join in.

“We wanted to connect Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon to the other episodes of the Oceanhorn series with more lore and a sense of familiarity,” said Heikki Repo, Creative Director of Cornfox & Brothers. “We realized that there are many things from those games we could bring into Chronos Dungeon to strengthen the bonds between games and enrich the overall backstory of the series. Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon remains a dungeon crawler first, but with a stronger Oceanhorn adventure flavor now.”

Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon Golden Edition is available now as a free update on Apple Arcade.


The new town of Nexus, a location players will visit multiple times as they travel deeper into the Chronos Dungeon, packed with lore, NPCs, activities, and secrets to discover.
Four Legendary Weapons for characters to unlock as they explore and learn more about Nexus.
New Special Items and Power-Ups adding variety to the moment-to-moment gameplay
New enemies from Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm, and a new enemy category, Mini-Bosses!
New hand-crafted levels and a different category of levels to provide a break from the core experience.
Improvements all across the board to celebrate all existing content.

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